15. Clinical Research Forum in Winterthur
Health Services Research (Versorgungs- und Implementierungsforschung)
Samstag, 5. November 2022
Referate und Referierende
What ist Health Services Research? And why does it need it?
Dr. Sarah Mantwill
Coordinator in the Swiss Learning Health System (SLHS)
Health economics as an interdisciplinary discipline in health services research
Prof. Dr. Simon Wieser
Head of Winterthur Institute of Health Economics, ZHAW, Winterthur (CH)
Examples of GLA:D osteoarthritis & GLA:D back implementation research
Prof. Roger Hilfiker, PhD
HES-SO Valais-Wallis, School of Health Sciences, Institute Health, University of Applied Sciences Sion (CH)
- Wege zur Implementierung eines Trainingsmanuals für Personen mit leichter kognitiver Beeinträchtigung - Lessens learned
Dr. Marina Bruderer, Institut für Physiotherapie, ZHAW
- Vom Fitness Game zum Reha Game: Wenn Physiotherapiewissenschaft auf Game Design trifft
Dr. Eveline Graf, Institut für Physiotherapie, ZHAW
Huub van Hedel, University Children's Hospital
Rehabilitation Center Affoltern am Albis, CH
Martin Verra, Department of physiotherapy, Insel Group, Bern
Universitiy Hospital, Bern, CH